Interested in learning more about buying or selling?

What Are Clients Saying?

My Misson: To make sure home starts here.

Home isn’t just where to drive to every day after work. It’s not where you sleep, or where you eat, or where you watch tv in your pj’s while eating cold pizza.

Home is where you walk in, and like a good pair of shoes, it feels right. You can never really put it into words, but it just feels like you were meant to be here. You were meant to drink your morning cup of coffee/tea in that one little nook here, have family and friends over here, host holidays here, cookouts here, start that dream hobby that you’ve always wanted to do-here.

And my mission is to make sure that happens.

The process of buying or selling your home starts with the professional who can make the process as seamless and easy for you as possible. To ensure that you walk away achieving your goal: buying or selling your home. 

As a third generation Realtor® I grew up with real estate, I’ve heard and seen all of the processes from my father, a broker himself- many times over! From those first steps of stuffing envelopes, door-knocking, and writing up listing presentations, to watching him stay up late into the night doing the best for his clients. I’ve learned what makes a great agent; honesty, fairness, and fighting for your client to name a few!

I would be honored to work with and for you! Please feel free to reach out and find out what I can do to help you achieve your dream and make sure that home starts here.

Very Truly Yours,


A Realtor® for Racine, Kenosha, and milwaukee counties!

Growing up in Kenosha, going to college in Milwaukee, and moving back to the Kenosha-Racine area, I love where I grew up and the places I’ve gone; so helping the people of Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee Counties to find their dream home or get their home sold was a no brainer for me!

No matter what your goals are- from looking to sell your house, or relocating from one city to another or simply needing a Realtor® to help you buy or sell your home, I’m more than happy to help!

Afraid you might be too far to sell or buy your home? Give me a call and let’s chat about it!

Stop By Our Mount Pleasant Office!


Feel free to stop by our Mount Pleasant location, we would love to see you! To learn more about where all our offices are located click the button below!

Or if you’d like, feel free to check out my social media or email me using any one of the buttons below. You can also to go the contact page to email me directly!